Cookie Policy
The website access and content utilization is made under this legal notice, described below. Accessing and navigating the Website constitutes an unconditional acceptance without reserve on your part of the present Terms and Conditions.

FuturMaster and/or its affiliated companies worldwide hold the domain name . The Website as a whole and any elements that make up the Website (texts, movies, graphics, pictures, illustrations, logos …) are the property of FuturMaster and/or its affiliated companies. Any representation and/or reproduction and /or exploitation, integrally or partially, of the Website other than for a personal and private use, without a preliminary agreement written by FuturMaster, is strictly forbidden. Any violation of these stipulations may be sanctioned by applicable laws.
FuturMaster reserves the right to change any information present on the Website; at any time and without notice, for any reason.
FuturMaster guarantees the update and accuracy of Website content. FuturMaster cannot be responsible if the Website has a bug, interruption, is inaccessible or has any other limitation. FuturMaster accepts no responsibility for any direct, indirect, secondary, collateral damages or other damage types related to the use or consultation of the Website, regardless of the cause, nature and consequence.
You also admit that the internet is a worldwide computer network and some potential risks of confidential data transmission via this network exist.
FuturMaster reserves the right to modify these Legal Notices at any time by publishing them on the Website. These are considered unreservedly accepted as soon as you access the website after their publication online.
You acknowledge and formerly agree that your personal data is collected by the Website.
Personal data is information about you i.e. first name, last name, email address, country of origin, company, and job role. As an international company, FuturMaster manages different versions of the website in different countries. Any information filled in within one version of our website could be sent to a server for another version of the website. Consequently, any information could be stocked, analyzed or used outside the country from which it originates.
You understand and agree that FuturMaster collects, uses, stores and otherwise processes your personal information. The Website can ask you to provide FuturMaster with personal information deliberately in order to optimize your visit or contact you later. You are free to communicate this information or not. By deliberately providing FuturMaster with these details, you consent to the collection and use of your personal data as stipulated by FuturMaster’s Privacy Policy. FuturMaster does not rend or sell your personal data obtained through the website with third party companies or people.
FuturMaster reserves the right to communicate information in the following circumstances:
- To respond to governmental – or requested by law – inquiries or investigations
- You give your prior approval of their diffusion
While using the Website, you expressly agree not to publish or relay obscene, defamatory, fraudulent or illegal information. You also agree not to use device, software, or other means to interfere or attempt to interfere in the smooth functioning of the website.
FuturMaster’s website may have to use “cookies” to collect data and information about the website’s use. They make it possible to define which users have already previously visited the Website and retain preferences they may have indicated during their visit. Cookies are used for the FuturMaster website to determine if your browser has already been used to visit the website. Cookies cannot collect other data from your hard drive or email address.
You have the possibility to accept or reject cookies but some of FuturMaster’s website services (especially those requiring identification) cannot be used if cookies are rejected. Your navigation path is not followed outside the website, excepted for reference data.
FuturMaster takes precautions to preserve your personal data, however as mentioned above, any data communication via the internet cannot be guaranteed to be 100% secure. FuturMaster cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us or receive from us.
By using the website, you acknowledge and warrant that you have read and accepted the Terms of Use and have the legal capacity to accept these conditions. In the case of breach of this contract provisions, you agree it will constitute as irreparable harm to FuturMaster and its related third parties. Therefore, FuturMaster and any third parties involved have the right to begin an injunctive relief for every contract violation, independently of any legal recourse or compensation.
If you have any question or comments about these Website Conditions of Use, please contact us.